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View All Fishing Reports

Lewiston Lake: , by Andrew Harris: Lost count again: 4 stars

Yesterday we caught about 50 pounds worth of fish at Eagle Canyon.  Today we caught about as much at Lewiston Lake, but we did it in twelve-inch installments!  Bob and Dave hooked a comical number of feisty, jumping rainbows today.  We were the only boat on the whole lake.  We fished about five different spots and found fish everywhere we went.  The highlight was sight-fishing to cruising rainbows with a dry-dropper rig.  Bob even hooked a few fish on a dry fly today.  The Lewiston fish like most any kind of nymph so long as it's small (size 16-20), black, and doesn't have a shiny bead or a lot of flash.  As for dries, a parachute adams size 16 works just fine.

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