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Current Fishing Report

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The Lower Sac was pretty slow for us today.  We saw very little bug activity and the fish just didn't seem very interested.  My clients Mel & Ron managed to land a handful of rainbows, though.  Our best action was from 1pm to 3pm and the best flies were small brown mayfly nymphs.

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Confluence Outfitters focuses on instruction based guiding.  We also do schools, which our staff has many years of experience throughout our careers.  I just finished up a fantastic women's school last week, and we are wrapping up the guide school this week. We have two spots left for our Klamath Spey Camp, where we will be teaching intricate spey casting and steelhead angling skills at the highest level.  We don't teach our schools in parking lots, truck trout ponds, or online.  We do it on the water in real life angling situations, with actual wild trout and steelhead!  

Leslie and Peter speycasting on the Pit
Leslie and Peter speycasting on the Pit
Mike Kennedy hooked up on one of his many big fish on the Fall
Mike Kennedy hooked up on one of his many big fish on the Fall
Fall River trout are spectacular
Fall River trout are spectacular
Gloria enjoying a beautiful run on a freestone river
Gloria enjoying a beautiful run on a freestone river
Jess getting ready for the next spot
Jess getting ready for the next spot
Leslie Ajari hooked up on a dry
Leslie Ajari hooked up on a dry
Praying Mantis hatch has been epic
Praying Mantis hatch has been epic
Mega cool release shot by Bob Dahlberg
Mega cool release shot by Bob Dahlberg
Fishing Report Image
View Dax Messett's Calendar

I took guide school students Leslie Ajari and Peter Thompson to the Lower Sac today.  We had a great day of fishing and a really fun day of rowing.  Leslie & Peter did really well on the oars for their first day of rowing.  They even put me on some nice fish!  The nymphing was pretty good, but the highlight of the day was the dry fly fishing.  Leslie landed an 18 rainbow on a dry and Peter rose quite a few fish.  The fish are looking up for caddis in some of the shallow riffles now.

Peter got this one on a rubberlegs
Peter got this one on a rubberlegs
My big fish of the day
My big fish of the day
View Andrew Harris's Calendar
Red Hot

Guide School 2014, day 5: We spent the afternoon working on freestone techniques on the Pit River.  Once we got away from the fly eating trees, the river fished incredibly well.  Students Leslie and Peter hooked and landed a lot of nice wild rainbows up to 18 today.  Most of our fish came on nymphs under indicators, but we also had fun with a hopper-dropper rig.  Our best action was in the afternoon.  The best fishing was in the fast water.

Peter with a nice one
Peter with a nice one
Leslie with a big fish on the line
Leslie with a big fish on the line
One of many quality rainbows today
One of many quality rainbows today
Leslie's big fish of the day
Leslie's big fish of the day
Peter with a fish on
Peter with a fish on
View Andrew Harris's Calendar

I did my last official evening hex trip of the season tonight with clients Bill and John and it was a hoot!  The hatch is still fairly thick - not a ton of bugs, but enough to get the fish interested.  We fished some old-school hex paraduns tonight and the fish took notice.  Bill and John both had numerous grabs and we finished the night with John landing a nice 18 rainbow. Daytime fishing was good today, too.  We did a split day, fishing from 8:30 to 2:30 and then taking a break before the hex trip.  We caught fish every spot we tried.  Nymphs on sinking lines and under indicators were the ticket for us today. 

View Andrew Harris's Calendar

We still have 2 spots left for the August 14-17 Spey Camp with Gino and Dax.  Check for more info.

View Andrew Harris's Calendar

I have been guiding and fishing the Fall River over the past two weeks and the fishing has been pretty darn good ! Despite the widespread drought in the West the Fall River remains full to the brim and teaming with fat wild rainbow's. The fishing has mostly consisted of fishing sub surface with nymph's and streamer's, there is the occasional riser but the hatches have been pretty inconsistent. That should change as the summer rolls on, that said the Hex hatch been good and should continue for another week or two.As many rivers and lakes are drying up, the Fall River will remain an oasis, August, September and October look to be outstanding on the Fall. 

Dan with a nice Bow !
Dan with a nice Bow !
View Randy Hamann's Calendar

Fall River is fishing well these days.  We had some overcast today which kept us cool for a while.  Fishing was best for us from 1pm to 2:30pm today.  There was a stretch were we were getting a grab on almost every drift.  We landed a beautiful 18 rainbow today and hooked a lot more in that size range. The hex hatch last nice was good despite windy conditions.  We had about a dozen grabs on our hex dries but only landed one fish, a rainbow about 19. 

That's a hex
That's a hex
View Andrew Harris's Calendar

Fishing has been pretty good on Fall River the last three days.  The hex hatch two nights ago was incredible.  We had no wind, just enough bugs, and my clients Mark & Pam hooked a lot of fish.  Last night was totally different.  It was windy and there were way too many bugs.  Our flies didn't stand much of a chance against the thousands of naturals on the water, but we still hooked a few and landed one nice fat rainbow. Daytime fishing has been good, too.  We've been hooking fish over 18 inches every day.  There are huge concentrations of fish in certain parts of the river right now.  It's spring creek fishing, so it isn't easy.  The grabs are lightning fast and you have to get a drag free drift.  We've been getting most of our fish on nymphs under indicators, but streamer fishing has been good too.  The PMD hatch seems to be improving and there are some dry fly opportunities around lunch time. Come on up and bring your A-game.  There aren't many places where you can sight-fish to 18 inch plus rainbows.  Fall River is one of the best. 

Yes I know my hat is awesome.
Yes I know my hat is awesome.
Fishing Report Image
View Andrew Harris's Calendar

I had some fun with Steve and Larry today on a very uncrowded Fall River, which was delightful. We had the whole river to ourselves. Absolutely fabulous. Quite magical.We hooked over 20 large fish, but our landing ratio wasn't all that great. Maybe I should be targeting smaller fish. They both landed some stellar fish though, and it shut down around 1:30 for us after being steady all morning. By 2pm it was over 100 degrees, not all that awesome. We took our break and will head out to hex this evening. I fished the hex with Randy last night, and he got two good fish during a solid hatch below the confluence.

View Dax Messett's Calendar

Last night there was a nasty South wind blowing in clouds, which is not good for the hex hatch. I found a spot where we had a bit of protection and a decent hatch came off. Fishing was excellent, as we landed 3 fish between 16 to 19 inches and lost a few other large fish. Steve and Larry didn't come tight on a dozen other grabs. Super fun. Oh, we did land my first bat of the season, evil little dude tried to bite me. It is overcast this morning. This is an excellent situation.

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Red Hot

I will be starting something new for our fishing reports, a top 10 list! It is meant to be humorous and fun, because fishing is really fun, and I see much humor on the water every day. Those of you out there who are easily offended and have no sense of humor should not read them, or ever book a trip with me. Instead, head to McDonalds, get a coffee with free refills for a few hours to get fired up for your big afternoon watching Fox News.Top 10 things to blame for the weak hex hatch on any given night:10. The moon. It doesn't matter what phase it's in, it's that goddam moon's fault. They need to get rid of that thing.9. The muskrats. They ate all the hexes on their way up to the surface, bastards. 8. Iran. They have been working on a way to foil the hex hatch for years.7. The farmers. They hate kooky fisherman, hence, they hate the hexes too. The farmers obviously poisoned the river.6. California residents. The hex hatch was awesome before California residents moved in.5. Bait fisherman. Not only do those mouth breathing windowlickers leave empty beer cans, salmon egg jars, and KFC boxes everywhere they fish, they also ruined the hex hatch somehow. 4. Obama. 3. The drought. Hexes are burrowed into the muck at the bottom of the river, where it is quite dry now. 2. Your guide. A fishing guide has complete and total control of weather, hatches, river flows, fish feeding, and client angling skills. At the end of the day, hiring a guide should guarantee you a huge hatch with lots of easy to catch big fish.1. Your aimless thrashing and beating of the water for two hours prior to the hatch. Despite the belief that wild trout are fearless unwary creatures very tolerant of overhead predation and loud thrashing noises above them, you might notice that there are lots of hexes and no fish rising to them....hmmm.

Fishing Report Image
View Dax Messett's Calendar

I had another great day with Bob and Andrew today.  No one else was out there!  How awesome!  Bob hooked a giant fish on his first cast of the day, followed up immediately by Andrew bringing a 19 incher into the net on his first cast.  We continued to hook large fish throughout the morning into the afternoon.  It finally shut down for us around 1:30 again.  We had solid hex last night, but for about about 15 minutes until the wind came up, enough time for Andrew to land a huge fish though.  Tonight should be excellent. 

Bob hooked up with Andrew looking
Bob hooked up with Andrew looking
One of Andrews many large fish over the past 2 days
One of Andrews many large fish over the past 2 days
View Dax Messett's Calendar

Fall River fished excellent the past 3 days.  I had great friends and superstar casters in Mike McCune and Whitney Gould for a few days, who hooked many large fish on sinking lines.  The had over 20 grabs on the hex one evening, putting the fly right on the fish every time.   Today I had Bob and his son Andrew, would just kept hooking big fish after big fish until the wind came up.  Then we hooked more big fish until it shut down around 1:30pm.   The hex is still going, some nights are less prolific depending where you are.  More bugs are below the confluence, but there are some in the upper river too.

Fishing Report Image
Andrew with one of the many large fish he hooked
Andrew with one of the many large fish he hooked
View Dax Messett's Calendar

Steelhead season is approaching!  Time to bust out the spey rods and swing flies to my favorite species on the planet, Steelhead.  I will be kicking off my season for a few available days on the upper Rogue, then heading to the Lower Klamath to live on the river for a few weeks.  Chrome is on the menu.   We only have two spots left for our Spey Camp on the Lower Klamath.  They are for our August 14-17 trip.  This will be a really cool, unique trip, and tough to book in the future.  Check out the link for details, and contact me or Gino with any questions.  Live on a river, swing for steelhead, eat and live well.  Life is better on a river, trust me... 

Nothing pulls like a chrome steelhead
Nothing pulls like a chrome steelhead
Wilderness angling on the Lower Klamath
Wilderness angling on the Lower Klamath
View Dax Messett's Calendar

Pretty hot out there today! Fishing was pretty good, and the hex should be excellent tonight and into the holiday weekend if the wind doesn't come up. There were some bigger fish looking up to drys this morning, technical but very fun. Sinking lines continue to catch large fish if you cover enough water, and don't beat on the same 50 foot stretch all day.I just opened up July 6 & 7 on my booking calendar.

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Fall River has been all over the place the last 3 days or so.  I had a great caster in Dianne Morell on a day where I had to bust out a down jacket and winter hat.  Fishing was tough, but she still got a few nice fish thanks to her good casting.  The hex didn't happen that night.  It wasn't very good last night either, but the hot weather we are now having and forecast for next week should make for a more consistent hatch throughout the river.  Yesterday my client Chris boated two fish over 20 inches and busted off a few other fatties. This morning I had a few hours of productive dry fly fishing.Beware of all the kooks out there with no lights during the hex hatch. Again, if you are renting a boat from that operation that doesn't provide lights, go to Shasta Angler in town and pick some up from Matt, and have them reimburse you.  Seriously, it is dangerous and illegal being out there in the dark with no lights, both for you and other anglers.  It doesn't matter how far you are going, just have them please, and avoid a ticket and looking like an inconsiderate knucklehead to other anglers.  Thanks:)

Chris landed this 23 inch epic fish...I didn't let him hold it because he dropped a 20 incher
Chris landed this 23 inch epic fish...I didn't let him hold it because he dropped a 20 incher
View Dax Messett's Calendar

I fished the McCloud River today with Ross and Nick from Texas.  They are well on their way to their California Heritage Trout Challenge certificates.  The bagged their 4th fish yesterday by catching some McCloud Redbands.  Today we hit both the upper and lower McCloud for some good old Shasta rainbows.  Wet wading was really nice today.  We caught our best fish on a dry fly today but we caught the most on small nymphs fished through the pockets.  The size 6 Chernobyl Ant was popular as an indicator dry, too.  Lots of ladybugs in the air today.  The Nature Conservancy Preserve was a ghost town this afternoon - only three other anglers out.  Not bad for a Sunday in June!

Nick caught this one on a dry
Nick caught this one on a dry
Ross hooked up on a dry-dropper rig
Ross hooked up on a dry-dropper rig
View Andrew Harris's Calendar

Tonight Bob and I headed out in the driving rain to see if the hex hatch would happen, it did. We left at the quite sensible time of 8:15, so we did not have to sit in the wind and rain for an hour, or aimlessly cane the water. We started seeing a few hex at around 845, and had around a dozen eats. Very cool.

View Dax Messett's Calendar

The river fished a little slow for us today, but we did boat some quality fish throughout the day.  Juan from San Jose had beginner's luck and did most of the damage.  Fish came on a variety of flies, most of them small.

Juan with a nice one
Juan with a nice one
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