Guided Spey-Only Trips
$650 for 1-2 Anglers
- December through March
- Raft Float Trip or Drive-In - all fishing is done while wading
Many of us dream of chasing bright chrome steelhead fresh from the salt.
The rivers of California's rugged North Coast offer some of the best options for swinging up that fish of a lifetime.
Nestled amongst towering stands of ancient coastal redwoods, the vaunted waters of California's North Coast are where the story of fly fishing for steelhead began.
The Smith: Often referred to as the crown jewel of California's wild and scenic rivers, the Smith drains one of the most rugged and biologically diverse regions in the Pacific Northwest.
This river is famous for producing trophy fish with steelhead in the 20lb class range landed each winter season.
The drainage is steep with a hard packed bottom, allowing for massive rises and quick drops during winter rain events.
The rugged terrain and fast flowing water of the Smith adds an extra degree of difficulty for the winter steelhead fisherman, yet for a few the ultimate challenge yields the ultimate reward.
The prime time for winter steelhead on the Smith kicks off with the first good winter storms in mid-late December and can fish well though March and even April during some years.
The Eel: You can't tell the story of fly fishing for steelhead on the west coast without talking about the Eel river.
There are accounts of anglers making their way via steamship by way of San Francisco to cast a line on the lower Eel River from as early as the 1880's.
The third largest drainage within California, the Eel offers some of the best and most abundant spey water on the west coast bar none.
Its low gradient and heavy sedimentary composition make for a river that can muddy up quickly during winter rain events, but hold color for an extended period of time.
With old growth redwoods looming overhead cloaked in mist and turquoise pools glowing in the dim light of a winter morning, a day on the Eel is truly an unforgettable experience.
Winter steelhead on the Eel can show up as early as late November with a good rain storm.
Prime time is typically from late December through the end of March.
Drew Griffith represents Confluence Outfitters on these intriguing fisheries.
Drew guides spey techniques exclusively and does both walk/wade and raft-based trips.
Many days are a combination of walk-in and float fishing.