Lower Sac: , by Luke Geraty: Grabby morning on the Sac: 3 stars Had a really nice day on the Lower Sac with Doug and the fishing started off pretty great! Doug landed a number of really nice 18-20" fish in the first couple of hours and there was definitely a bite going on. The fish were eating rubber legs, caddis, and the spherical baetis pattern ??
Flows have been fairly steady inbetween 12,700 to 13,400 cfs throughout the days. Fish may still be a little unsettled but for the most part the river feels more stable than the past couple of weeks.
While we got fish to eat caddis, we didn't see but a few. Saw a lot of PMD's but they didn't seem to be really keying in on those bugs with just a few grabs on mayfly imitations.
What I'm really enjoying about the Sac right now is just how different it is with the flow change. It's such a change with more than double the flows and finding the fish is both a challenge and part of the fun.
Anyway, the afternoon got pretty warm and the high sun seemed to slow fishing down and the grabs were less often in the afternoon in comparison to the morning.
On a side note, Brian Kohlman and I are hosting a trip to Ascension Bay this next year and we would LOVE for you to join us on this multi-species trip! Plus we will have legit shots at permit! Find more info here: https://confluenceoutfitters.com/hosted-travel.aspx Next 10 open days for Luke Geraty: Feb 10, 26, 27, Mar 4, 7, 11, 12, 24, 25, 26 |