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Northern California: , by Mat Squillante: Shad and Trout Time!: 4 stars

Shad are bait where I grew up but I've gained a new respect for them. They're great for a day full of hard fighting action. A recent trip on the American was beautiful weather and the shad didn't disappoint either. We also target them on the Lower Sac. This is a good fish for everyone but especially newer anglers, who'll have multiple opportunities at fish – so if you miss the first few, there's likely a bunch more behind them. Trout fishing is also coming into shape. the Lower Sac remains spotty due to flows but Fall River, Hat Creek and the Upper Sac are all fishing well.

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Next 10 open days for Mat Squillante: Sep 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 30
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