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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Kevin Kay: Lower Sac Spring Update: 3 stars

You may have noticed a lack of Lower Sac reports recently.  That's because there hasn't been much to report!  Similar to last year we've had lots of rain and some big flow changes.  In February the flows went up to 60,000 CFS to make room in Lake Shasta for more rain.  That blew the river out and it resembled the Mississippi more than our trusty Lower Sac.  Flows came down pretty quickly to around 6000 CFS.  I was ready to give it a try last week and overnight the flows jumped to 16,000 CFS.  Jeez.  Now they're coming down again, targeted to be 6,500 CFS by the 28th.  I went out today to check it out and although the visibility is only 2-3 feet I caught some nice rainbows in a few hours of solo fishing.  More rain is forecast but the totals don't look to be massive.  Things should settle down pretty quickly so probably a good time to get a trip on the books!

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Next 10 open days for Kevin Kay: Mar 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, Apr 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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