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View All Fishing Reports

Northern California: , by Andrew Harris: Hat Creek delivers: 3 stars

Ross & Kathy had another great day of fishing at Clearwater Lodge today.  We started out on Hat Creek.  After hooking a couple small fish and briefly connecting with a large mystery fish, we found an area that was holding a lot of nice wild rainbows.  Kathy and Ross both landed 16-18" rainbows, which is great for Hat Creek.  One ate an olive Tung-Stud size 16 and the other ate a small pheasant tail.  We then spent the afternoon on one of the best small streams in the area.  Every pool yielded several willing fish.  They were small but we had a lot of fun watching them attack our dry flies.

Kathy with a great Hat Creek bow
Kathy with a great Hat Creek bow
Ross with another big one
Ross with another big one
This worked all afternoon
This worked all afternoon
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