Battle Creek: , by Andrew Harris: 4 stars I fished with Cheryl from the Diablo Valley Fly Fishers today on Battle Creek. Fishing started out pretty slow, but the bite turned on around 1pm and improved throughout the afternoon. Cheryl had a 7'6" 3wt, a perfect rod for our private section of Battle Creek. She landed a lot of nice 10" rainbows and countless smaller fish on a variety of dry flies. The best fly by far was a size 14 parachute Adams. The biggest fish hooked was a 12" rainbow that ate a size 6 orange Chernobyl ant. This was my best outing on Battle Creek so far this season. Cheryl with one of many fish caught on dries today Battle Creek is the perfect size for a 3wt fly rod. Next 10 open days for Andrew Harris: |