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View All Fishing Reports

Battle Creek: , by Andrew Harris: Lots of Water!: 2 stars

I fished our private section of North Battle Creek today with some clients from my home town of Gridley.  I guess I'm used to drought conditions, because I was really surprised that the creek was flowing pretty high today!  Flows spiked up a little with the hot weather so there must still be some snowmelt up in the high country above McCumber Reservoir.  We were able to fish the wider parts of the creek, but the cascades were impassable so we weren't able to fish as much water as usual.  We caught some fish on dries and nymphs under dry flies.  Fishing should really pick up in a couple weeks when the flows drop down to normal summer levels.

The wider parts of the creek were much more fishable
The wider parts of the creek were much more fishable
Tom working a deep pool
Tom working a deep pool
You pretty much have to charge through the river
You pretty much have to charge through the river
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