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View All Fishing Reports

Trinity River: , by Brian Kohlman: 3 stars

I spent the last two days on the Trinity with my guest Bob. We got pretty wet on Sunday as the first of a series of storms arrived. Fishing was pretty tough, but Bob did land a wild half-pounder. The rain helped bump the flows and also add a bit of color. After a few missed grabs, Bob hooked into a horse that put on an impressive acrobatic show. After several leaps and a little tail-walking, we were close to bringing his beast to net, when it went for one final run that resulting in another impressive leap – but then broke off when it landed. Guess it was giving us the “middle fin.”

Next 10 open days for Brian Kohlman: May 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 23
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