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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Luke Geraty: December on the Lower Sac...: 3 stars

December on the Lower Sac can be really nice because you often have the river all to yourself, the weather may be sunny and on the warmer side of things, and there are still some big fish in the river. But it can also be really cold, rainy, and tougher fishing. Yesterday I was grateful to have it be the former and not the latter! John and Dave were both experienced anglers, so casting fly rods they could do! John has fished the Lower Sac a bit and it was Dave's first time as well as his second time with the big bobbers and multiple flies and weights and yada yada. Needless to say, he picked it up and we were off. The fishing was pretty slow to start with, as is typical in December. No bug activity... not even a midge was moving around as far as I could tell. But we got to the "golden hour" and things turned on and they pretty much stayed on for the rest of the day. I think it's always a bit challenging to transition out of "egg bite" into December for a variety of reasons, but yesterday the river fished well and these guys caught some big fish, including a number of nice steelhead. Steak seems to be the preferred menu item for the trout right now but we also caught a few on some smaller mayfly and midge patterns. John's fly rod was on fire and it didn't seem to matter if he was in the front or the back of the boat -- he was getting grabs. But apparently the last time these two fished, it was Dave who had the hot stick, so I suppose all things equal out in the grand scheme of life. In addition to the numerous 18+ inch fish that John landed, he lost a fish that was easily in the 24 inch range after it made a huge jump and broke off the 4X tippet. But he really couldn't complain too much because he was crushing it. I was trying to figure out why John was getting the majority of the grabs when they were *literally* using the same exact everything, but John told me that most of the time in their 50 years of friendship, Dave would end up with the bigger fish. Well... that's exactly what happened. Deep into the 9th inning, about thirty seconds before it was gonna be a "pull 'em in boys, it's time to head in because the sun is setting" moment, Dave hooked a really nice 22inch steelhead to close out the game. I'd say that was a grand slam of a hit and the best way to end the day. I'm pretty stoked for January and February because we get some nice dry fly hatches and we can start targeting trout on some "Montana" set ups! Start thinking about booking your next trip today and don't forget about the Trinity! It's popping off!

A healthy Lower Sac trout troll that lives under a bridge!
A healthy Lower Sac trout troll that lives under a bridge!
A heavy fish that pulled and pulled and pulled...
A heavy fish that pulled and pulled and pulled...
Dave’s 9th inning 22incher.
Dave’s 9th inning 22incher.
John was crushing it from the front and back of the boat!
John was crushing it from the front and back of the boat!
Next 10 open days for Luke Geraty: Jul 29, 30, 31, Aug 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19
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