North Coast: , by Drew Griffith: Kick off: 3 stars This morning I awoke to the most pleasant sound a steelhead fisherman can ever hope to hear: the hard patter of rain beating steadily against the gutters. Finally, after a dismal Fall of very little precipitation for our Northern California steelhead rivers, we have rain. Being well into the month of December, accompanied by a generous forecast of rain with a prediction to see all of our coastal systems on a steep rise towards the end of this coming week I feel like it's safe to say that winter steelhead season has come again at last. Time to dust off your skagit heads and organize your tip wallets for another season of swinging flies for saltwater rainbows. Put away the 5 and 6 weights for next time and bring out the big guns. For everyone out there who spends a majority of their year dreaming of green water and hard fighting silver fish this push of rain marks the official kickoff. Let the games begin. Keep checking in for more condition reports and local info. Stay safe and healthy friends.
 Green water and a deeply bent rod. What winter steelhead fishing is all about  A prime specimen taken during last season. Fish like this keep you coming back for more  winter workshop with all the fixings. Next 10 open days for Drew Griffith: Mar 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25 |