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View All Fishing Reports

Northern California: , by Dax Messett: May has been excellent: 3 stars

For all of you who are waiting until the heat of the summer to plan your fishing trip, you are missing out.  In my 8 years of guiding the intermountain area, this has by far been the best May I have ever experienced. 
Fall river has had some truly incredible dry fly fishing for those who got on it early.  The fish are quickly becoming educated.  They are starting to get picky even on the mindless indicator rigs. 
Hat Creek has produced some quality fish on the surface.  Check out the photos of the huge salmonflies that have been all over the river. 
The Pit is the Pit.  If you are willing to wade and cover alot of water, you will hook many fish during the prime feeding hours.  There are also periods of slow fishing, so be ready to deal with it.
Burney Creek is crowded, and not fishing particularly well.  There are a few fish alive below the falls.
The Hex hatch is starting soon.  You better book it if you want to experience the greatest hatch in the world.  Bookings are very limited.

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