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View All Fishing Reports

Eagle Canyon: , by Andrew Harris: 4 stars

Regular guest Tony from Red Bluff says: "The Eagle Canyon experience is truly a one of a kind fly fishing event.  Great times and great memories complimented with extraordinary fishing.  Everyone in our group hooked fish. All in all we had 25+ fish peeling  line off our reels and we landed about 17 fish that can only be  described as Jurassic in nature. Eagle Canyon is truly a spectacular  experience to any fishing enthusiast."

Alan with his first fish on the very first cast of the day.
Alan with his first fish on the very first cast of the day.
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Fred with an Eagle Canyon hog caught at the lower lake.
Fred with an Eagle Canyon hog caught at the lower lake.
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Dennis with a profile of another Eagle Canyon beauty.
Dennis with a profile of another Eagle Canyon beauty.
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